Thursday, September 25, 2008

Kenley's Fall Shopping Spee

My sister and I took Kenley shopping yesterday. She is getting so big that I need to start buying her clothes to fit a 6 month old! Not only that, but we don't have many fall clothes so I needed to get her something to wear for colder weather. Anyway, I found this hat and fell in love with it. Doesn't she look so cute? It's so cute I can't stand it! The picture is a little blurry because my sister took it with a camera phone.

The outfits we bought to go with it are just as adorable. When she fits into them I will update with more pictures.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

More Pictures

Kenley has a picture site as well! We've uploaded most of the pictures we've taken of her since birth (we are a little bit behind, but when you have a newborn, you really don't have much time). Here is her picture site:

Friday, September 12, 2008


So here she is - she's 6 weeks old already. She has changed so much from her newborn pictures. Poor baby is loosing some of her gorgeous brown hair - we're hopeful it will come back soon! Even without as much hair, she is still as cute as can be.

At 6 weeks old, Kenley is not only smirking, but she is smiling when we talk to her and when she gets up from her naps. She LOVES it when Mommy reads books to her and sings songs. So far her favorite song is 'You Are My Sunshine'. We must sing that song over 50 times a day. She still eats every 2 hours (which takes its toll on Mommy), but nothing beats the bonding that we share when shes nursing.

Even though she is smiling a lot now, that doesn't mean that she is crying any less. I love this outfit! I wanted to get a cute picture of her in it but she wouldn't cooperate with me (mainly because I took the binkie out of her mouth thinking she would smile - I was wrong). But even when she's crying, she's still adorable (although I might tell you something else at 3am when she looks like this).

And of course, I had to post this picture! Game Day at the Knitz house. Although game 1 was not one of Michigans best, she is still their #1 Fan! GO BLUE!

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Mommy's First Whoops!

Myself, Kenley, Auntie Jen and Madison all went down to Rossford to watch Kenley's big sister, Grace, cheer. Grace had a blast and was so adorable! She is going to teach Kenley some cheer moves when Kenley gets a little older (shes got a great big sister to look up too).

Anyway, I didn't want to whip out my boob and feed her in the middle of a high school football game, so I prepared a bottle to take with me in case she needed it. So we are at the game, I reach into the diaper bag to pull out the bottle and what I get is a soaking wet hand. Silly mom - I prepared the bottle WITHOUT the nipple - whoops! Milkwas all over the diaper bag, and my sister got a kick out of it. I guess this is the first of MANY 'whoops' parenting moments.

Friday, September 5, 2008

Kenley's Dr. Appointment

She's a month old already - time to go to the dr. for another check up. She is 22 inches long, weighs 10lbs 15oz (little chunky monkey) she is in the 90th percentile (whatever that means) and she cried like crazy when she got her Hep B shot. I am dreading her 2 month appointment when they stick her with a needle 4 times. She got one shot today and Tim had to go with me to hold her down because I sat in the corner all teary eyed while she cried (I'm such a baby).
She is perfectly healthy!

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Happy Anniversary

Tim and I celebrated our 2nd anniversary today! We went to The Melting Pot (a fondue restaurant) and I highly recommend it, the food was amazing! Tim arranged for a cozy little booth for two complete with a long stem rose waiting for me when I got there.
I realized yesterday how much parenthood takes a toll on a person.
My sister watched Kenley (she was such a good girl and behaved all night for her auntie). Auntie was her first babysitter. My sister told us to go a head and catch a movie after dinner if we wanted too because she wanted to spend as much time as possible with the baby. Halfway through dinner we were both so tired - I thought I was going to curl up in a ball and fall asleep at the table (how romantic - I know). Needless to say, we didn't think that spending money to go to a movie so we could fall asleep for a few hours without interuption could be justified.
Still, our anniversary was great! And the chocolate fondue more than made up for the lack of sleep!

Monday, September 1, 2008

Photo Slideshow

It's been a long time coming! Amanda sent me a cd of all of Kenley's pictures (which was over 800). Tim put together the following slideshow so you could see some of them. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do!